
Korean Association for Children with Leukemia and Cancer is a public interest organization created to help children suffering from cancer completely recover and improve their quality of life.

Implementation of a welfare community of respect for life and practice of love so that children with leukemia and cancer can fully recover and grow into healthy future heroes


- Full recovery and improvement of quality of life for children with leukemia and childhood cancer

- Realizing the health and welfare of children with cancer in the community through respect for life and practice sharing

- Raising social awareness of leukaemia and childhood cancer


- Strengthen expertise by business entity and establish an integrated and cooperative business system

- Securing expertise in fund raising and business operation and playing a leading role

- Medical support from the perspective of Long Term Care and quality enhancement of welfare services from the life cycle perspective

- Building a community child cancer health and welfare center and a total care support system

- Building a social and economic community of children, children, and children from a self-help perspective

Living as a childhood cancer patient in Korea

No. 1 cause of childhood death

Child cancer is the number one cause of childhood death in Korea.

A period of social disconnection

After intensive care, a 3 - 6 year maintenance period is required. There's a long-term 'social disconnect period' that patients can't be reached other than home and hospital.

The average duration of treatment is 3 years

For an average of three years, patients have to undergo tough treatments such as high-dose chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and transplant surgery.

The average duration of treatment is 3 years

After treatment, 60-70% experience aftereffects, of which 10-25% have severe aftereffects and need continued help even after the end of cancer treatment.

We provide life-cycle integrated support services for children with childhood cancer and their families

사단법인 한국백혈병소아암협회

주소 (03991) 서울시 마포구 연남로1길 80 한국백혈병소아암협회 

대표자 이중명 고유번호 107-82-06859 

전화 1544-1415 팩스 02-3141-5368 이메일 soaam@soaam.or.kr


후원문의 : 개인 070-4659-1101, 기업 070-4659-1102

치료비 지원문의: 070-4659-1100

기타문의: 1544-1415