Support Project
01 Educational Textbook Support Project
- Support for various learning materials and textbooks for children with cancer and their siblings.
02 Childhood and Youth Education Support Project
- University Education Support Project_ MOUs with 12 universities across the country and entitles those who have experienced childhood cancer to apply for special screening.
- Scholarship Support_ Provides scholarships and education for pediatric cancer experienced survivors and their family members
03 Daily Recovery Support Project
- Support various cultural and artistic programs for children with cancer and their families, including an art contest and watching soccer matches.
사단법인 한국백혈병소아암협회
주소 (03991) 서울시 마포구 연남로1길 80 한국백혈병소아암협회
대표자 이중명 고유번호 107-82-06859
전화 1544-1415 팩스 02-3141-5368 이메일
후원문의 : 개인 070-4659-1101, 기업 070-4659-1102
치료비 지원문의: 070-4659-1100
기타문의: 1544-1415