Support Project
01 Gathering of the survivors_ Junior Angels, Youth Angels*
- Working in a Junior Angels and a Youth Angels, survivors established their identity through the community and participated in activities to improve childhood cancer awareness.
*’Angels’ is a division of childhood cancer survivors
02 Domestic and foreign network projects
- Continue exchanges and joint activities with related agencies such as Korea Federation of Childhood Cancer Parents Organization (KFCCPO), organizations for blood-related rare diseases, and childhood cancer supporters
- Participating in worldwide survivor exchange programs with domestic pediatric cancer survivors as representatives of Childhood Cancer International (CCI)
03 Providing play booths to a hospital
Survivors go to a hospital and run an amusement booth for children with childhood cancer.
사단법인 한국백혈병소아암협회
주소 (03991) 서울시 마포구 연남로1길 80 한국백혈병소아암협회
대표자 이중명 고유번호 107-82-06859
전화 1544-1415 팩스 02-3141-5368 이메일
후원문의 : 개인 070-4659-1101, 기업 070-4659-1102
치료비 지원문의: 070-4659-1100
기타문의: 1544-1415